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May 3, 2012


Consumers ultimately paid up for nuclear bribery in japan


 Consumers ultimately footed bill, Utilities gave nuclear plant hosts billions http://www.japantimes.co.jp/text/nn20120502x1.html 

Kyodo Electric utilities, their subsidiaries and related organizations provided at least ¥28.7 billion to local governments, mostly as donations, during the five years through to March 31, local government sources and data obtained by Kyodo News revealed.

The electric power companies incorporated most of the expenses into their electricity
charges for consumers and business clients as necessary costs for power generation. Such donations are not required to be made public and may amount to more than the latest finding revealed Tuesday, experts said.

The central government has recently hammered out a plan to ban power
utilities from incorporating their donations in electricity charges.

The donations were given to prefectural governments, prefectural
capitals and 60 governments of municipalities that host nuclear power
plants or are located near such plants.

Among the around 650 cases of donations uncovered, more than ¥100
million was provided to local governments in 35 cases, 30 of which
involved municipalities that host nuclear plants or are located near
them. Besides locations with power plants, Kansai Electric Power Co.
donated ¥250 million to the Osaka Municipal Government to help finance
a face-lift for a municipal science museum.

The biggest single amount given was about ¥5 billion that Tokyo
Electric Power Co., which operates the troubled Fukushima No. 1
nuclear plant, provided in 2007 to the city of Kashiwazaki in Niigata
Prefecture to help build and maintain Yume no Mori Park, facing the
Sea of Japan.

Kashiwazaki and the neighboring village of Kariwa in the same
prefecture are home to Tepco’s seven-reactor Kashiwazaki-Kariwa
nuclear plant, the world’s largest atomic plant, with a combined
output capacity of 8.2 million kw.

Tepco also gave about ¥4 billion worth of cash and land lots to Kariwa.

The Fukui Prefectural Government accepted ¥1.33 billion in funds to
build a railway directly linking Tsuruga Station in the prefecture
with the cities of Osaka, Kyoto and Kobe.

Fukui Prefecture hosts the largest number of nuclear reactors in Japan.

The donations are believed to have been provided by Kansai Electric
and Japan Atomic Power Co. The Fukui Prefectural Government has
refused to identify the donors, noting they do not wish to be

Kepco operates three nuclear power plants and Japan Atomic Power one
in Fukui Prefecture.

The Gifu Prefectural Government accepted about ¥1.89 billion in 2008
from Chubu Electric Power Co. under an agreement with the Nagoya-based
utility to finance a road construction project near a hydroelectric
power plant.

The agreement was made after the utility withdrew from the power
plant’s construction.

The Shizuoka Prefectural Government accepted around ¥1.63 billion from
Chubu Electric in the three years through March after the local
government could not receive state subsidies for two of five reactors
at the Hamaoka nuclear plant in the city of Omaezaki, Shizuoka
Prefecture. The two reactors ceased operation in 2009.


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