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Cooling halted at No.5 fuel pool

July 7, 2014

No prospect to resume cooling No.5 fuel pool



The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant says it has no idea when it can resume the cooling system for one of the spent fuel pools.

Tokyo Electric Power Company halted the cooling system at the No.5 reactor on Sunday after workers found seawater leaking from a pipe. Seawater is used to lower the temperature of coolant water in the storage pools for spent nuclear fuel.

TEPCO found a small hole in a valve for adjusting the flow of seawater. Workers covered the hole as a stopgap measure, but they are still considering how to repair the pipe.

The temperature in the pool rose to 25.7 degrees Celsius on Monday, up 2 degrees from Sunday.

TEPCO says the temperature will reach the company's safety limit of 65 degrees in a little over a week.
The operator plans to channel seawater into the pool to curb the rise in temperature.

The No. 5 reactor was offline when the plant had an accident in March 2011 and escaped damage.
TEPCO has decided to decommission the reactor.

Jul. 7, 2014 - Updated 08:34 UTC

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