information about Fukushima published in English in Japanese media info publiée en anglais dans la presse japonaise
28 Novembre 2013
November 27, 2013
CTBTO enhances airborne radioactivity tracking
An international nuclear test monitoring body has launched a new system that can predict the movements of airborne radioactivity more quickly and accurately.
The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization, or CTBTO, began using the system on Tuesday.
The CTBTO observes airborne radioactive materials and seismic tremors caused by nuclear tests through its facilities around the world. But it can also monitor the dispersion of radioactivity in the event of a nuclear accident.
The new system can locate the source and predict the movements of radioactivity in the air with greater accuracy, at 20 times the speed of previous systems.
Japanese government officials were among the guests at a launch ceremony on Tuesday at the organization's headquarters in Vienna. Japan contributed about 737,000 dollars to upgrade the system in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear crisis.
The CTBTO analyzed the spread of radioactivity during the nuclear accident. Japan expects the international organization to provide accurate and reliable data on the dispersion and effects of radioactivity.
The CTBTO also monitored radioactive materials when North Korea conducted nuclear tests.