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Fault under Oi plant not active?

October 29, 2012



Kansai Electric to report disputed fault under Oi plant not active




TSURUGA, Japan (Kyodo) -- Kansai Electric Power Co. plans to report to the government that it has not found data that could prove that a disputed fault running under its Oi nuclear power plant in Fukui Prefecture is active, company officials said Monday.

The interim report on the fault underneath the sole nuclear power plant operating in quake-prone Japan is expected to be submitted to the state as early as Wednesday. The Nuclear Regulation Authority plans to carry out an on-site inspection on Friday.

Since August, Kansai Electric has been conducting additional investigations into the fault called F-6, running north-south between the plant's Nos. 1-2 reactors and Nos. 3-4 reactors, through digging and boring surveys.

But it has so far not come up with results that would lead the company to change its current view that F-6 is not active, or data showing that it could move in tandem with other faults located on the periphery, the officials said.

Kansai Electric plans to compile a final report on the issue by the end of the year.

Utilities are not allowed to build reactors and other related facilities important for safe operation of reactors directly above active faults, defined as ones that have moved in the last 120,000 to 130,000 years under the current Japanese criteria.

An NRA member, however, has suggested broadening the definition of active faults to those that have moved in the last 400,000 years.

The planned NRA-led inspection could affect the fate of the plant's Nos. 3 and 4 reactors that the government approved for restarting earlier this year on the assumption that they were safe to operate.

October 28, 2012


Ohi plant operator: Seam may not be active fault



An electric utility in western Japan will submit its interim report this week on whether the Ohi nuclear power station sits atop an active earthquake fault.

The Japanese government ordered Kansai Electric Power Company to conduct a geological survey at the nation's only on-line nuclear plant.

The company is expected to submit its report to the Nuclear Regulation Authority as early as Wednesday. It will say the underground seam beneath the plant may not be an active fault that could result in an earthquake.

The company began its assessment in August to determine whether an underground fissure at the site is an active fault.

National guidelines prohibit building major facilities of a nuclear plant on an active fault.

In its interim report, Kansai Electric says there's no evidence to counter a previous evaluation that concluded the seam is not an active fault.

But the nuclear authority is planning to conduct its own survey of the Ohi plant on November 2nd. If the underground seam is determined to be an active fault, the plant could be shut down.


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