information about Fukushima published in English in Japanese media info publiée en anglais dans la presse japonaise
25 Novembre 2013
To the workers of Fukushima.
To the first to intervene at the most terrible moments of the nuclear disaster
To those who - day after day - are up against an ever-worsening situation
To those who will have to replace them for many years to come.
To their families and loved ones
This is a message of gratitude and sympathy from France.
You may not be able to rely on your employers or your political leaders to treat you properly, but this doesn’t mean you have to face these formidable problems on your own, only being rewarded by criticism in the press.
This may only be a meagre consolation to you, but we want you to know that many thousands of kilometers away, complete strangers, ordinary citizens like you are thinking of you and are grateful for your courage and your dedication.
You are important people who deserve every respect, given the responsibilities you are constantly shouldering, without recognition or reward.
Who can criticize the worker who unplugged the wrong pipe, pressed the wrong button or caused a tank to overflow, when training, precise instructions and means of control are so scarce?
Who can blame the worker who falls into depression when he is confronted by difficult working conditions that endanger his health and his life?
There are probably, throughout the world, millions of people like us who are on your side and count on you, who offer you their trust and moral support, and who don’t forget you exist.
We don’t know you personally, but like you, we are human beings and citizens of the Earth. We cannot do much to help you, but we want to say thank you for what you do, thank you for the risks you are taking for us all. You have our heartfelt support.
Thank you, "Fukushima 50" and all the brave people who from the very beginning of the disaster did not hesitate to risk their lives to prevent an even more dire situation.
Thank you to all these people whose name will never get mentioned but who contribute each day to the colossal task of keeping the radioactive peril at the Fukushima plant in check.
May our moral support and our thoughts reach you, your loved ones, and the families of the victims who have lost their health and their lives in this permanent battle.
----------------------------------------- Participants --------------------------------------------
4 from AFAZ
--------------------------------------- Share this message ------------------------------------
I would be very happy for other individuals or groups to express their
support to those who struggle on the Fukushima battlefield.
Spread this message on your website or your blog, contact us for translations
in other languages and/or to be added to the list of contributors.
Write your own support message if you wish, and circulate it too.
You can also send a traditional letter. Here is the mailing address of the
"rear base" of workers at J-Village:
Fukushima Revitalization Headquarters at J-Village
8, Utsukushi-mori, Yamada-oka aza
Naraha-machi oaza, Futaba-gun
979-0513, Fukushima
If there are enough of us to relay and multiply the impact of this fraternal
support movement, if enough media echo it, then maybe this will encourage
Japan to do something for these brave men.
Thanks to all of you,