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Monitoring marine radiation

November 7, 2013


IAEA experts observe Japan's marine radiation monitoring activities



TOKYO (Kyodo) -- Two International Atomic Energy Agency experts on Thursday began observing Japan's marine radiation monitoring activities off the coast of Fukushima Prefecture, home to the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex.

According to the IAEA, the experts came to lay the groundwork for another IAEA mission planned later this month to review the process toward decommissioning four severely damaged reactor units at Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s Fukushima plant.

As countries neighboring Japan remain concerned about the impact of radiation leaks from the crippled plant, the involvement of the U.N. nuclear watchdog in monitoring is expected to boost the credibility of the data Japan is releasing.

Hundreds of tanks have been set up at the plant to store the massive amounts of radioactive water produced as a result of continuing water injections into the three damaged reactors.

But leaks have occurred frequently.

Some of the groundwater, which is flowing through the plant's premises toward the ocean, is also believed to be contaminated.

David Osborn, director of the IAEA Environment Laboratories in Monaco, and Hartmut Nies, head of the IAEA Radiometrics Laboratory, left Onahama port in the city of Iwaki, Fukushima, at around 5:40 a.m. Thursday aboard TEPCO's ship used for water sampling.

The ship is expected to take water samples at more than 10 points within 15 kilometers of the Fukushima plant.

After observing the sea water sampling activity Thursday, the experts will visit a building at the Fukushima plant where water is analyzed on Friday.

They will also hold talks with officials of Japan's Nuclear Regulation Authority during their weeklong visit through Tuesday, according to Japanese officials.

November 07, 2013(Mainichi Japan)




 November 6, 2013






IAEA dispatches marine analysts to Fukushima



The International Atomic Energy Agency is sending marine monitoring experts to Japan. They will advise on handling radioactive wastewater leaking into the sea from the troubled Fukushima Daiichi power plant.

The world nuclear watchdog says two members from its Marine Environment Laboratory in Monaco will stay in Japan from Wednesday through next week.

The experts will visit Fukushima on Thursday and Friday. They'll test samples of seawater surrounding the plant and analyze them for radioactive materials.

They will also be briefed by relevant Japanese organizations about efforts to monitor seawater around the plant.

The IAEA plans to send another team of experts at the end of November. This group will inspect the decommissioning process of the plant reactors for the second time. The previous inspection was in April.

IAEA chief Yukiya Amano says Japan needs to cooperate with international organizations on the Fukushima plant problems. He says this will help regain the trust of the global community.

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