information about Fukushima published in English in Japanese media info publiée en anglais dans la presse japonaise
11 Avril 2013
April 11, 2013
This is follow-up information regarding the water leak from the underground reservoirs at Fukushima Daiichi NPS.
Following the work progress updates such as the measures to prevent the expansion of contaminated water leakage from the underground reservoirs to the leakage detection holes announced yesterday (April 10), the following works have been performed today.
[Measures to prevent the expansion of contaminated water leakage from the underground reservoirs to the leakage detection holes]
- Underground reservoir No.1
The temporary pump was started in the morning to pump up the leaked water in the detection holes (northeast/southwest) and return it to the underground reservoir.
- Underground reservoir No.2
As the installation of a temporary pump was completed, the pump was started to pump up the leaked water in the detection holes (northeast/southwest) and return it to the underground reservoir.
- Underground reservoir No.3
The temporary pump is planned to be installed tomorrow. The work to return the leaked water in the detection hole (northeast/southwest) to the underground reservoir will be implemented tomorrow or on later date according to the progress of water transfer from the underground reservoir No.3 to No.6.
As for the underground reservoirs No.1 and No.2, the temporary pumps will be started in the morning and the afternoon tomorrow (once each) or on later date when the sampling of leaked water is performed to return the leaked water in the leakage detection holes (northeast/southwest) to the underground reservoirs.
[Visual inspection of the leakage detection hole (northeast) penetration of the underground reservoir No.2]
Continued from yesterday, the removal work of the impermeable sheet (rainwater protection sheet installed on the upper surface of the reservoir) covering the penetration and the gravels was carried out for visual inspection of the leakage detection hole (northeast) of the underground reservoir No.2. Once the removal of the impermeable sheet installed near the penetration is completed tomorrow, the visual inspection of the penetration will be performed. The results are to be announced.
[Boring investigation to confirm the contamination condition, etc. in the surrounding area of the underground reservoirs]
In order to confirm the contamination condition in the surrounding area of the underground reservoirs and the contamination expansion to the sea side, drilling work to install new observation holes (Holes used to sample water contained in the soil. New observation holes will be installed at 22 locations including 8 in the sea side) was carried out. The drilling work will be continued tomorrow. Water sampling from the observation holes and analysis will be started on April 15 (earliest). The analysis results are to be announced.
This is follow-up information regarding the water leak from the underground reservoirs at Fukushima Daiichi NPS.
Regarding the leakage from the connection part (flange) of the transfer pump outlet pipe which occurred during water transfer from the underground reservoir No.3 to No.6, the pipe flange will be disassembled in order to investigate the cause of the leakage.
Also, we will start removing the soil covering the upper part of the underground reservoir (embankment) where the leaked water has been absorbed.
This is follow-up information regarding the water leak from the underground reservoirs at Fukushima Daiichi NPS.
Regarding the leakage which occurred during water transfer from the underground reservoir No.3 to No.6, the area affected by the water leaked from the connection part of the transfer pump outlet pipe is 2m x 3m on the soil covering the upper part of the reservoir (embankment) near the reservoir No.3 tank man hole. Since the leaked water has been absorbed into the covering soil, there is no possibility of the leaked water flowing out of the site boundary. The amount of leakage is estimated to be approx. 22L (calculation value).
Though the incident has occurred in the controlled area, the condition has been judged to be subject to the application of Article 19-17, Item 10 of the Rule for the Installation, Operation, etc. of Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors (Rule for Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors) ("in the case that leakage of radioactive materials, etc. occurs in the controlled area due to a reactor facility failure or other unexpected incidents") at 2:43 PM on April 11. This incident is reported in accordance with Article 168 of the Technical specification for nuclear reactor facility at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (Report).
< Reference: Underground reservoir No.3 >
Water quality analysis result: 2.9×105 Bq/cm3
Leakage amount: Approx. 22L
Value stipulated by law: 3.7×106 Bq
< Announcement on an emergency press conference>
An emergency press conference will be held at 6:00 PM on April 11 in the meeting room on the third floor of our Head Office. We will explain about the current statuses of the underground reservoirs at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.
At the Corporate Communications Department in Fukushima, the information will be provided at the regular press conference at 6:00 PM on the same day.
Head Office
Date and time: April 11, 2013 from 6:00 PM
Place: Meeting room on the third floor of the Head Office (Reception starts at 5:30 PM)
Date and time: April 11, 2013 from 6:00 PM
Place: Press conference room of the Fukushima prefectural press club on the second floor of the Fukushima Prefectural Government Office Building
This is follow-up information regarding the water leak from the underground reservoirs at Fukushima Daiichi NPS.
Though the water transfer from the underground reservoir No.3 to No.6 was started at 2:00 PM on April 11, the transfer pump was suspended at 2:03 PM on the same day as leakage from the connection part (flange) of the transfer pump outlet pipe was found.
The leakage has stopped after the transfer pump was suspended. The leaked water has been absorbed into the soil.
The leakage is currently being investigated in details.