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Tokai no2. will apply for restart

May 19, 2014

Tokai No.2 nuclear plant to apply for safety check




The operator of the Tokai No. 2 nuclear power plant north of Tokyo in Ibaraki Prefecture will apply on Tuesday for safety checks to restart the plant's reactor.

Japan Atomic Power Company decided to ask the Nuclear Regulation Authority for the check after getting the go-ahead from 11 surrounding municipalities, including Tokai village. The communities agreed after the company held public briefings about safety concerns. The prefectural government has also agreed.

The plant has been idle because of damage to a turbine and pump caused by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

But prospects for resuming operations are still poor due to a number of safety issues.
The reactor dates to 1978 and is older than 17 reactors now under screening. Cables in use at the plant are more flammable than those at newer plants.

The municipalities around the Tokai plant also insist that applying for safety checks and restarting operations are separate matters.

Nearly one million people live within 30 kilometers of the plant, more than at any other nuclear plant in Japan. The surrounding communities have yet to adopt appropriate evacuation plans in the event of a nuclear accident.

May 19, 2014 - Updated 06:52 UTC

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