information about Fukushima published in English in Japanese media info publiée en anglais dans la presse japonaise
October 31, 2013 U.S. energy chief offers Japan aid with nuke cleanup
En savoir plusOctober 30, 2013 Video clips spell out findings...
En savoir plusOctober 31, 2013 Nagasaki mayor sends protest letter to Obama over plutonium test
En savoir plusOctober 30, 2013 Cause of concern: Japan Atomic Energy's Tokai Reprocessing Plant in Tokai, Ibaraki Prefecture,...
En savoir plusOctober 30, 2013 Japan OKs fuel removal from pool at nuclear plant
En savoir plusOctober 30, 2013 LDP panel seeks gov't funding to scrap reactors
En savoir plusOctober 25, 2013 Abe dismisses Koizumi’s call for zero nuclear power plants
En savoir plusOctober 30, 2013 Abe pledges nuclear safety as Japan wins bid to build Turkish plant
En savoir plusOctober 30, 2013 Abe oversees Japan's 1st nuclear plant export after 2011 disaster
En savoir plusOctober 30, 2013 Gov't to abandon idea of having all Fukushima evacuees return home
En savoir plusOctober 30, 2013 Editorial: TEPCO should focus on Fukushima crisis, not trying to reactivate idled reactors
En savoir plusOctober 30, 2013 Koizumi back to center of political stage with call for zero nuke plants
En savoir plusOctober 29, 2013 Unscathed: Reactors 5 (upper left) and 6 at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant are shown in an...
En savoir plusOctober 29, 2013 Tepco refuses to fund outside cleanup Utility leaves ministry holding ¥30 billion bill; exemption...
En savoir plusOctober 29, 2013 Govt. to study paying part of decontamination cost
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