information about Fukushima published in English in Japanese media info publiée en anglais dans la presse japonaise
April 26, 2012 Cesium contaminated fish found in Tone river
En savoir plusApril 26, 2012 Reform headquarters under direct control of new chairman to be set up at TEPCO
En savoir plusApril 27, 2012 Govt. briefs on restart to people near Ohi plant
En savoir plusApril 24, 2012 Land water flooding reactors to be diverted Kyodo
En savoir plusApril 26, 2012 Fault under nuclear plant feared active / Doubt cast on reactivation of Tsuruga plant
En savoir plusApril 26, 2012 Confusion reigns over beef limits / Agriculture ministry issues conflicting instructions on cesium...
En savoir plusApril 25, 2012 Highly radioactive areas may not receive clean-up
En savoir plusApril 25, 2012 Editorial: Preparing for summer without nuclear power
En savoir plusApril 25, 2012 With clean-up around Chernobyl abandoned, what can Japan learn from 1986 disaster?
En savoir plus Press Releases Press Release (Apr 24,2012)...
En savoir plusTuesday, April 24, 2012 Tomari, Tsuruga nuke plants at risk...
En savoir plusApril 24, 2012 Govs still cautious on reactors / Official asks Shiga, Kyoto leaders for understanding on Oi reactors...
En savoir plus4 nuclear plants asked to review quake safety Japan's nuclear...
En savoir plusApril 24, 2012 Osaka Mayor conveys gov't opposition to early restart of reactors
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