information about Fukushima published in English in Japanese media info publiée en anglais dans la presse japonaise
End of March 2019: Time to stop this blog I have been collecting and spreading information on the Fukushima disaster...
En savoir plusApril 22, 2016 personal communication: i will have very little access to internet over the next few days. Please...
En savoir plusPERSONAL COMMUNICATION I have decided to end my blog on March 11, 2016, fifth anniversary of the Fukushima disaster....
En savoir plusThis blog is actually 4 years old today. That is without counting the first year of archives on Fukushima. A birthday...
En savoir plusI won't have access to a computer in the next couple of days. Sorry about that. Posting will resume asap. Aug.28,...
En savoir plusyes, three years of "faithful" reporting. and four of keeping track of what's happening at Fukushima after the...
En savoir plusOctober 10, 2014 I won't have any internet connection for the next couple of days. I will make the interruption...
En savoir plusI am going away for two weeks and have no idea if and when I'll be able to access the Internet. But iIwill try...
En savoir plusUPDATE (end of March 2013) : Readers will have noticed that I also regularly use articles from: · The Japan Times...
En savoir plusI have no access to a decent computer. Sorry More info on Fukushima in a couple of days.
En savoir plusSeptember 2, 2012 This blog will not be updated over the coming week.
En savoir plusFukushima-is-still-news will be operational again in a couple of days
En savoir plusTo the readers of May 25, 2012 I will be travelling over the next couple of weeks. I’m not sure whether/when I...
En savoir plusNot a day without one or several articles on the issue of restarting -or not - the (shutdown) nuclear plants in...
En savoir plusMarch 4 , 2012-03-04 The five categories chosen when I started the blog have proved too limited to accommodate...
En savoir plus