information about Fukushima published in English in Japanese media info publiée en anglais dans la presse japonaise
August 3, 2016 Reuse of radioactive soil could cut costs by 1.5 trillion yen: ministry estimate
En savoir plusAugust 5, 2016 TEPCO in court fight vs. family of dementia patient missing in Fukushima nuke crisis
En savoir plusAugust 5, 2016 Japan’s new environment minister pledges to build trust, contaminated waste storage facility in...
En savoir plusJuly 31, 2016 Extra safety precautions balloon costs to restart reactors
En savoir plusJuly 27, 2016 The fraud called retail electricity liberalization
En savoir plusJuly 29, 2016 New Kagoshima governor ready for Sendai plant shutdown fight THE ASAHI SHIMBUN
En savoir plusJapan business lobby says Abe govt can't rely on nuclear energy TOKYO, July 22 | By Osamu Tsukimori and Aaron Sheldrick...
En savoir plusJuly 26, 2016 Gov't cited as second-least reliable source of info on nuclear accidents: survey Respondents to a...
En savoir plusJuly 25, 201 6 Editorial: Doubts about nuclear plant's quake resistance shake trust in NRA
En savoir plusJuly 24, 2016 Fukushima banks hope to lure nuclear evacuees back by reopening branches
En savoir plusJuly 22, 2016 Designation of radioactive waste to be lifted
En savoir plusJuly 21, 2016 TEPCO ordered to pay for ‘false rumors’ from Fukushima crisis
En savoir plusJuly 18, 2016 EDITORIAL: New Kagoshima governor must clarify stance on nuclear reactors
En savoir plusJuly 5, 2016 EDITORIAL: Parties should address Diet’s inept oversight of state secrets
En savoir plusJuly 15, 2016 NRA secretariat discontinues probe into leak of internal training documents
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