information about Fukushima published in English in Japanese media info publiée en anglais dans la presse japonaise
Kasai: It appears that they are already moving toward that direction a little at a time aren't they. Koide: The Nuclear Regulatory Committee has been hinting at the possibility of releasing it into the ocean. Kasai: They have been trying to persuade the...
As the Japanese authorities restarted a nuclear reactor in Sendai, please find hereafter a link to a contribution to: The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. 13, Issue. 38, No. 1, September 21, 2015 : Japan Crushes Resistance to Restart Nuclear Power Plants This...
December 2, 2018 Fukushima evacuees forced back into unacceptably high radiation zones One man is advocating for their protection...
Nuclear future Source : REneweconomy The myth of the dark side of Germany’s Energiewende By Conrad Kunze and Paul Lehmann on 18 February 2015 Energy Post Critics...
This article is reproduced with the author's permission. August 16, 2016 The Mysteriously Obtuse Case Of The Missing Fukushima Fuel By Richard Wilcox, PhD “Nature...
January 30, 2015 New Findings on Fallout Nearly 4 years have passed since the nuclear accident at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi plant. But even as work proceeds on decommissioning the...
May 13, 2017 In Fukushima, a land where few return The evacuation orders for most of the village of Iitate have been lifted. But where are the people? by David Mcneill...
NUCLEAR WATCH New Tools for Decontamination** Workers at Japan's crippled nuclear plant have been showing off new tools to tackle a growing problem. They added equipment to decontaminate...
November 12, 2014 Nuclear Watch Earning consumer trust Farmers in northeastern Japan are struggling to recover from the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. Radioactive...
July 2, 2018 What Is the Probability of a Mega-quake Striking Japan in the Future? Earlier this month, an earthquake of magnitude 6.1 struck northern Osaka, killing 5 people and injuring...
Did bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki save lives? Posted on August 13, 2018 by beyondnuclearinternational The question goes to the heart of the debate about...
Pugwash 2015: Remember your humanity, but forget about a nuclear free world for now Posted: 03 Nov 2015 10:29 PM PST* Pugwash 2015: Remember your humanity, but forget about a nuclear free world for now "The person who prays for peace must not hide even...
Oct 30, 2017 @ 12:01 AM 48,728 Three Ways Radiation Has Changed The Monkeys Of Fukushima Jeff McMahon , Contributor I cover green technology, energy and the environment from Chicago.
Nuclear watch : Fishing in Fukushima Fishermen in Fukushima are feeling the effects of the process of decommissioning the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. They've been forced to change...
March 9, 2015 Nuclear Watch Echoes of 3.11: Fukushima Daiichi Struggle Continues Noriko Okada The March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami killed more than 15 thousand people. About 26...
NUCLEAR WATCH October 30, 2014 Fukushima Timetable Pushed Back The Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Company have pushed back the schedule for decommissioning the Fukushima...
erratum (March 21, 2015) from Gordon Edwards: In a very recent e-mail about the Muon Scan at Fukushima showing the Complete Meltdown of Unit 1, I incorrectly stated that " workers have only now finished building the largest mobile structure every constructed...
December 5, 2014 Party leaders urged to go see Fukushima's harsh realities for themselves Stuffed animals that were found during the removal of debris are on display at a...
Nuclear Materials Remain Vulnerable to Theft, Despite U.S.-Led Effort By DAVID E. SANGER and WILLIAM J. BROADMARCH...
October 23, 2014 Nuclear watch : Working to Prove Safety Working to Prove Safety A nuclear power plant operator has launched a campaign to convince the public that it's ready to restart...
Our Lessons from Fukushima: New Concerns for the Future March 6, 2016 Environment, Japan, Nuclear français Akio Matsumura This week people across the world are commemorating the fifth anniversary of the worst nuclear power accident in history, which occurred...
March 11, 2017 Namie: one step forward, a few steps back Home holds little appeal for Namie evacuees by John L. Tran Special To The Japan...
French translation available at : March 13, 2016 The mothers who set up a radiation lab By Alessia...
“The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster is a Serious Crime”: Interview with Koide Hiroaki 福島核災害は明らかに深刻な犯罪である—小出裕章氏に聞く Katsuya Hirano and Hirotaka Kasai The Asia-Pacific Journal 3/11 and Japanese Resilience Five Years Later March 15, 2016 Volume 14 | Issue 6 |... Fukushima Evacuees Seek Redress More than 120 thousand people who once lived in Fukushima Prefecture still wonder when they'll be able to return home. They've been displaced since...